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Most remainers would agree that there is still room for reform of the EU.

But it's really strange that some people seem to think that the EU is unreformable when you consider that it has so far been the fastest and most consistently self-reforming organisation in the world.

It started out as merely a coal and steel industry organisation, before rapidly reforming to become a general economic and political union.

It has reformed to become more and more democratic. There were no elections for the European Parliament before 1979, now there are elections every 5 years.

This directly elected body now has the power to sack the entire European Commission.

The EU has been reformed time and time again with treaty after treaty.

  • 1951/2 Treaty of Paris creates the European Coal and Steel Community, creating the High Authority (now the European Commission) and the Common Assembly (now the European Parliament).
  • 1957 Treaty of Rome creates the European Economic Community.
  • 1975 European Council created.
  • 1979 The European Parliament holds it's first elections by universal suffrage.
  • 1986 The Single European Act deals with institutional reform to complete the Single Market in 1987.
  • 1992 The Maastrict Treaty establishes the pillar structure of the EU, reforming key institutions and the relationships between them.
  • 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam reforms the co-decision principle of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, and makes the European Commission more accountable.
  • 2001 Treaty of Nice provides the double majority system of member states and votes cast.
  • 2007 Treaty of Lisbon (initially known as the Reform Treaty) gave more power to the European Parliament, made the Charter of Fundamental Rights legally binding, gave national parliaments more power (giving them a direct role in decision-making), expanded the use of qualified majority voting in the Council of Ministers, separated the European Council from the Council of Ministers, created Citizens' Initiatives (meaning large scale direct petitions put legal obligations on the European Commission to act), gave the European Parliament indirect right of legislative initiative.

And there are several movements for yet more reform within the EU to make it even more democratic.